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Video by Mark Anderson, Fire and Forge: Glimpsing the Craft of an Ethiopian Blacksmith, filmed at Gännätä Maryam in 2013

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Rickerby and Shekede Wall Painting Conservation




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publications and thesis coming out of the solzag project


Tania Tribe, ‘Investigating Dynastic Change in the Highlands of Ethiopia in the 12th–14th centuries: the Solomonic–Zagwe Encounters Project’, Meroitica, vol. 24, expected in 2020.

Jacke Phillips, ‘Towards an Interpretation of Mediaeval material culture in the Ethiopian highlands: Reflections from the “Solomonic–Zagwe Encounters Project”’, Meroitica, vol. 24, expected in 2020.


Brian Clark, ‘Landscape formation processes and archaeological preservation in the Ethiopian highlands: A case study from the Lalibela region’. Unpublished PhD thesis, Rice University, Houston, Texas, USA, 2016.


Several monographs and articles coming out of this research project are currently in preparation by team members, dealing with: 

  • The archaeology of the dead in northern Ethiopia

  • Archaeology, conservation and heritage at Gännätä Maryam

  • The Mamluk brass tray in the treasury of Gännätä Maryam church

  • Constructing rulership in the highlands of Ethiopia

  • The cycles of 13th century wall paintings in Solomonic dynastic churches

  • The rock art of Wašša Mika’el church

  • Animals and art in medieval Ethiopia

Other publications by team members on related topics

Leplongeon, A., Ménard, C., Douze, K., Habte, B., Bon., F., and Pleurdeau, D. in press. The Horn of Africa at the end of the Pleistocene (75-12 ka) in its macroregional context in A. Leplongeon, M. Goder-Goldberger, D. Pleurdeau (eds), Not Just a Corridor. Human Occupation of the Nile Valley and Neighbouring Regions between 75,000 and 15,000 Years Ago, Paris: Publications Scientifiques du Muséum.


Alemseged Beldados and Medhanit Tamirat, 2020. Towards the Mid-Late Holocene Environment of Mochena Borago Rock Shelter, Wolayta, South Ethiopia. Ethiopian Journal of the Social Sciences and Humanities (EJOSSAH): Vol. 16 (1): 1–26.


Tesfaye Wondyifraw Tsegaye (2019): An Ethnoarchaeological Study of Hide Working with Iron Scrapers in East Gojjam, Northwestern Ethiopia, Ethnoarchaeology, DOI: 10.1080/19442890.2019.1573290

Douze, K., Leplongeon, A., Bon, F., Behailu Habte, Khalidi, L., Ménard, C., Pleurdeau, D., 2019. Regards croisés sur les traditions techniques en Afrique de l'Est et du Nord-Est à la fin du Pléistocène. In: J. Cauliez, F. Bon, L. Bruxelles, I. Crevecoeur, L. Khalidi, J. Lesur, D. Pleurdeau & Ch. Tribolo (eds), Dynamiques culturelles et transformation des paysages dans un continent en mutation : du Big Dry à l’Holocène dans l’Est africain, Colloque international / séances de la SPF, Université de Toulouse Jean Jaurès, 25-28 September 2019.

Ménard C., Bon F., Borel A., Chesnaux L., Behailu Habte, Khalidi L., Roussel S., 2019. Industries lithiques du Rift éthiopien entre Dernier Maximum Glaciaire et Postglaciaire. In : J. Cauliez, F. Bon, L. Bruxelles, I. Crevecoeur, L. Khalidi, J. Lesur, D. Pleurdeau & Ch. Tribolo (eds), Dynamiques culturelles et transformation des paysages dans un continent en mutation : du Big Dry à l’Holocène dans l’Est africain, Colloque international / séances de la SPF, Université de Toulouse Jean Jaurès, 25-28 September 2019.

Alemseged Beldados, Manzo A., Murphy C., Stevens C.J., Fuller D.Q. (2018) Evidence of Sorghum Cultivation and Possible Pearl Millet in the Second Millennium BC at Kassala, Eastern Sudan. In: Mercuri A., D'Andrea A., Fornaciari R., Höhn A. (eds) Plants and People in the African Past. Springer, Cham.

Habte, B., 2018. “Archaeological survey around Lake Beseka (Northern Main Ethiopian Rift)”, report published online at

Alemseged Beldados and Hiruy Daniel, 2017. Ethno-archaeological Study of Noog (Guizotia abyssinica) in Ethiopia, Journal of Ethnoarchaeology online publication.

Alemseged Beldados and Kifle Zerue 2017. Archaeological investigations in Ahferom Woreda, Tigray, North Ethiopia, in Rassegna di Studi Ethiopici, Journal of Oriental University of Naples Vol 3:1.

Alemseged Beldados 2017. Archaeobotanical investigation of Charred and desiccated fruit stones and seeds from Late Holocene contexts in Kassala and its environs: window to past ecology and subsistence, Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, Vol 8:1.


Tania Tribe, Review of Víctor M. Fernández, Jorge de Torres, Andreu Martínez d’Alòs-Moner, and Carlos Cañete, The Archaeology of the Jesuit Missions in Ethiopia (1557-1632), Jesuit Studies: Modernity through the Prism of Jesuit History 10 (Leiden: Brill, 2017). In press for the Journal of Early Modern History.

Marilyn Heldman and Tania Tribe, ‘Traditional Painting’, in Uhlig and Appleyard (eds), Ethiopia – History, Culture and Challenges, 2018, pp. 193-200. German version: ‘Traditionelle Malerei’, in Uhlig and Appleyard (eds), Äthiopien – Geschichte, Kultur, Herausforderungen, pp. 213-219.

Tucker, K, Berezina, N, Reinhold, S, Kalmykov, A, Belinskiy, A and Gresky, J. 2017. An Accident at Work? Traumatic lesions in the skeleton of a 4th millennium BCE “wagon driver” from Sharakhalsun, Russia. HOMO. doi: 10.1016/j.jchb.2017.05.004

Roffey, S, Tucker, K, Filipek-Ogden, K, Montgomery, J, Cameron, J, O’Connell, T, Evans, J, Marter, P and Taylor, GM. 2017. Investigation of a medieval pilgrim burial excavated from the Leprosarium of St. Mary Magdalen, Winchester, UK. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0005186

J. Phillips, ‘Architecture in Suakin,’ in H. Selin, ed., Encyclopaedia of the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine in Non-Western Cultures. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2016, 451-457. Online 

J. Phillips, ‘The Kingdom of Aksum,’ in J. MacKenzie, ed. The Encyclopaedia of Empire (London: Wiley-Blackwell, 2016. Online:

Tucker, K. 2016. An Archaeological Study of Human Decapitation Burials. Pen and Sword: Barnsley

J. Phillips, ‘Summary of Classical and Post-Classical Africa,’ in C. Renfrew and P. Bahn, eds., The Cambridge World Prehistory I: Africa, South and Southeast Asia and the Pacific. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014, 295-306.

Habte, B., 2016. The Terminal Pleistocene archaeological record from Ethiopia: Lithic analysis of the B1s1 site, Bulbula River (Eastern Shewa), Ethiopia, In: Lesur, J., Crevecoeur, I. & Pleurdeau, D., Ruptures and continuity of cultures and environments in the Late Pleistocene settlements of Africa: Paleoanthropology, palaeoenvironment and archaeology, Session 27, 23rd biennial meeting of the Society of Africanist Archaeologists (SAfA), Toulouse (FR), 26 June – 2 July 2016.

Alemseged Beldados, Catherine D’Andrea and Andrea Manzo 2015. Filling the Gap: New Archaeobotanical Evidence for 3rd-1st Millennium BCE Agricultural Economy in Sudan and Ethiopia, in Supplemento,  Journal of Atti Soc. Nat. Mat. Modena, 146: 143-145.

Alemseged Beldados and Tesfaye Wondifraw 2015. Classification and Analysis of pot sherds from Dunjame, East Gojjam, Ethiopia, Journal of African Archaeologists, Nyame Akuma, No. 83:93-99.

Alemseged Beldados 2015.  Paleoethnobotanical Study of Ancient Food Crops and the Environmental Context in Northeast Africa, 6000 B.C. to 200/300 AD, Cambridge Monographs in African Archaeology, BAR International Series, 2706.

J. Phillips, ‘The Foreign Contacts of Ancient Aksum: New finds and some random thoughts,’ in A. Lohwasser and P. Wolf, eds., Ein Forscherleben zwischen den Welten Zum 80. Geburtstag von Steffen Wenig. Berlin: Mitteilungen der Sudanarchäologischen Gessellschaft zu Berlin e.V., Sonderheft, 2014, 253-268. Online

Albert, E and Tucker, K. 2014. In Search of Alfred the Great: The King, The Grave, The Legend. Amberley: Stroud

Mendum, TA, Schuenemann, VJ, Roffey, S, Taylor, GM, Wu, H, Singh, P, Tucker, K, Hinds, J, Cole, ST, Kierzek, AM, Nieselt, K, Krause, J and Stewart, GR. 2014. Mycobacterium leprae genomes from a British medieval leprosy hospital: towards understanding an ancient epidemic. BMC Genomics 15: 270

Metasebia Bekele, Yonas Beyene, Alemseged Beldados, Yaricho Yaya, Alemu Nebebe, Habte Mengistu, Adisalem Melese, Muluneh Tefera and Wondimu Uto. 2014.  “Archaeological, ethno-botanical and historical Research at Nagassa, Gamo-Gofa Zone, Ethiopia”, in Recent Archaeological Findings from South Ethiopia, Published by Association for Research and Conservation of Culture, Hawassa, Ethiopia.

Yonas Beyene, Metasebia Bekele, Alemseged Beldados, Adisalem Melese, Alemu Nebebe, Tadele Solomon. 2014. “Archaeological Research at Azga-Bodo rock art site, Kambata-Tembaro Zone, Ethiopia”, in Recent Archaeological Findings from South Ethiopia, Published by Association for Research and Conservation of Culture, Hawassa, Ethiopia.

Yonas Beyene, Metasebia Bekele, Alemseged Beldados, Alemu Nebebe. 2014. “Archaeological Research at Aroresa rock art site, Sidama Zone, Ethiopia”, in Recent Archaeological Findings from South Ethiopia, Published by Association for Research and Conservation of Culture, Hawassa, Ethiopia.

Metasebia Bekele, Yonas Beyene and Alemseged Beldados 2014. Recent Archaeological Findings from South Ethiopia, Published by Association for Research and Conservation of Culture, Hawassa, Ethiopia.

Schuenemann, V. J., Singh, P., Mendum, T. A., Krause-Kyora, B., Jäger, G., Bos, K. I., Herbig, A., Economou, C., Benjak, A., Busso, P., Nebel, A., Boldsen, J. L., Kjellström, A., Wu, H., Stewart, G. R., Taylor, G. M., Bauer, P., Lee, O. Y-C., Wu, H. H. T, Minnikin, D. E., Besra, G. S., Tucker, K., Roffey, S., Sow, S. O., Cole, S. T., Nieselt, K., Krause, J. 2013. Genome-wide comparison of medieval and modern Mycobacterium leprae. Science 341: 179-183

Manzo Andrea, Alemseged Beldados, Marco Barbarino, Valentina Perna and Vincenzo Zoppi 2013. “Italian Archaeological Expedition to the Sudan of the University of Naples, ‘L’ Orientale’, 2013 Field Season”,  on line Journal of the University of Naples,  L’Orientale, Italy.

Roffey, S and Tucker, K. 2012. A Contextual Study of the Medieval Hospital and Cemetery of St. Mary Magdalen, Winchester, England. International Journal of Paleopathology 2 (4): 170-180

Tucker, K. 2012. Execution in Roman Britain? The Evidence from Decapitation Burials, in Auler, J (ed.) Richtstättenarchäologie 3. Archaeotopos: Dormagen p. 234-247

Alemseged Beldados 2012. The Agordat Material, Eritrea, Implication on Early Food Production and Regional Contact, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG, Germany.

Alemseged Beldados 2011. “Archaeology: the Profession and the Professionals.  (Nature of the Profession Vs Ethical Issues and Responsibilities of the Professional)”. In Journal of Ethiopian Archaeologists and Paleontologists Association. No. 1.

Manzo Andrea, Coppa A. Alemseged Beldados and Zoppi V. 2011. “Italian Archaeological Expedition to the Sudan of the University of Naples, ‘L’ Orientale’, 2010 Field Season”,  on line Journal of the University of Naples,  L’Orientale, Italy.

Alemseged Beldados and Lorenzo Costantini 2011. “Sorghum Exploitation at Kassala and its Environs, Northeastern Sudan in the second and first millennium BC”, Journal of African Archaeologists, Nyame Akuma, No. 75.

J. Phillips, ‘Aksumite archaeology at Aksum, and in Ethiopia and Eritrea: the legacy of the DAE’ and ‘The DAE Small Finds: A Centenary Postscript,’ in S. Wenig, ed., In kaiserlichem Auftrag. Die Deutsche Aksum-Expedition 1906 unter Enno Littmann II: Altertumskundliche Unternehmungen der DAE in Tigray/Äthiopien (Forschungen zur Archäologie Außereuropäischer Kulturen 3.2), (Wiesbaden: Reichert Verlag, 2011), 237-247, 379-399.

Montgomery, J, Knüsel, C and Tucker, K. 2011. Identifying the Origins of Decapitated Male Skeletons from 3 Driffield Terrace, York Through Isotope Analysis: Reflections of the Cosmopolitan Nature of Roman York in the Time of Caracalla, in Bonogofsky, M (ed.) The Bioarchaeology of the Human Head: Decapitation, Decoration and Deformation. University of Florida University Press: Gainesville p.141-178

Isabel Boavida, Manuel João Ramos and Tania C. Tribe (eds), The Emperor of Ethiopia in Lusoland: Ethiopia, Portugal and the Organization of African Unity, Centro de Estudos Africanos, ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon, and SOAS, London, 2010.

Alemseged Beldados, 2010.  “An Analysis of the Regional Dimensions of the Agordat Pottery based on Decoration Techniques and Patterns”, Journal of African Archaeologists, Nyame Akuma, No. 73.

J. Phillips, ‘Ostrich Eggshell,’ in W. Wendrich, ed., UCLA Encyclopedia of Egyptology. Online: and http://repositories/

Tania Tribe, ‘Holy Men in Ethiopia: The Wall-Paintings in the Church of Abunä Abrəham Däbrä Ṣəyon (Gär‘alta, Təgray)’, Eastern Christian Art, 6, 2009, pp. 7-37.

Tucker, K. 2008. The Human Bone, in Toop, N. Excavations at Moss Street Depot, Moss Street, York. Yorkshire Archaeology Journal 80: 21-42

Alemseged Beldados, Randi Haaland and Anwar Abdel Majid, 2007. “New Perspectives on the Agordat material, Eritrea: A re-examination of the Archaeological Material in the National Museum, Khartoum”, Journal of African Archaeologists, Nyame Akuma, No. 68.

Alemseged Beldados, 2007. Introduction to Archaeology and Heritage Management, text book for B.A. level (Undergraduate students), Alpha University College Press.

Gore, E. and K. Tucker. 2006. Romans Lose Their Heads in York, in Yorkshire Archaeology Society, Roman Antiquities Section Bulletin 22, pp.3-7

J. Phillips, ‘Community Relations in an Archaeological Context,’ Nyame Akuma 64 (2006) 10-15.

J. Phillips [with B.T. Żurawski] ‘The Murals of Banganarti,’ Minerva 16.1 (January/February 2005) 37-39.

Niall Finneran and Tania Tribe, ‘Towards an Archaeology of Ethiopian Monasticism: Contexts and Themes’, in Insoll, Timothy (ed.), Trowelling Belief. The Proceedings of the Manchester Conference on Archaeology and Religion. Oxford: Archaeopress, 2004.

Tania Tribe, ‘Place, Space and Representation in Eighteenth-Century Gondarene Painting’, in Manuel J. Ramos (ed.), The Indigenous and the Foreign in Christian Ethiopian Art: On Portuguese-Ethiopian Contacts in the 16th-17th Centuries, London: Ashgate, 2004, pp. 61-72.

J. Phillips, [with Tekle Hagos, Asfaw Arefaine, S.J. Boardman, C. Cain, M. Dover, and M. Harlow] ‘Combating the destruction of Ethiopia’s archaeological heritage…continued,’ Antiquity 78, 302 December 2004. Online:

J. Phillips, ‘Islamic Pottery of the Middle Nile,’ in L. Smith, P. Rose, G. and S. Wahida, eds., Fifty years in the Archaeology of Africa. Themes in archaeological theory and practice. Papers in honour of John Alexander (Azania 39, 2004) 58-68.

J. Phillips, [with N. Finneran, Asamerew Desie, C. Cain, M. Harlow and Tekle Hagos] ‘The archaeological landscape of the Shire region, Western Tigray, Ethiopia: A preliminary report on the 2001 field season,’ Azania 38 (2003) 139-147.

J. Phillips, [with N. Finneran] ‘The prehistoric settlement of the Shire Region, Western Tigray, Ethiopia. Some preliminary observations,’ Nyame Akuma 59 (June 2003) 26-33.

J. Phillips, ‘An Overview of the Ceramics,’ and [with Mahmoud El-Tayeb] ‘The pottery assemblage from the Hammur Abbasiya tumulus field (SDRS Hammur 2),’ in B.T. Żurawski, Survey and Excavations between Old Dongola and Ez-Zuma (Nubia II, Southern Dongola Reach Survey I) (Warsaw: Research Centre for Mediterranean Archaeology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, 2003) 387-437, 458-463.

Tania Tribe, ‘Ethiopian Art in a Time of Change’, in Picton, John, Loder, Robert, and Court, Elsbeth (eds), Action and Vision: Painting and Sculpture in Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda from 1980, London, The Triangle Arts Trust and Rochdale Art Gallery, 2002, pp. 14-19 and 50-51.

J. Phillips, [with Asamerew Desie, C. Cain, N. Finneran, and M. Harlow] ‘Combating the destruction of Ethiopia’s archaeological heritage,’ Antiquity 76, 294 (December 2002) 955-956. Online:

J. Phillips, ‘Pottery – Forms and Fabrics,’ in K.A. Grzymski et al., Hambukol Excavations 1986-1990 (Canadian Expedition to Nubia I/SSEA Publication XVI, Mississauga: Benben, 2001) 119-146.

D.W. Phillipson and J. Phillips, Archaeology at Aksum, Ethiopia, 1993-97 (2 vols), London: British Institute in Eastern Africa Memoir 17/Report of the Research Committee of the Society of Antiquaries of London 65, 2000.

J. Phillips, Sections/sub-chapters on: structure and stratigraphy of D, K, and M sites; construction technology at D site; pottery and clay artefacts at B, D, E, K, and M sites; pottery definitions; pottery synthesis; and recent use of Stelae Park, in D.W. Phillipson et al., Archaeology at Aksum, Ethiopia, 1993-97 (2 vols., London: British Institute in Eastern Africa Memoir 17/Report of the Research Committee of the Society of Antiquaries of London 65, 2000) 57-77, 179-197, 205-212, 220, 267-307, 381-399, 453-458, 491-493, 519-520.

Tania Tribe, ‘Ethiopian Christian Liturgical Chant’ (Review Article), Journal of Religion in Africa, vol. 30(3), 2000, pp. 487-490.

Tania Tribe, ‘Memory and Wonder: Our Lady Mary in Ethiopian Painting, 15th-18th Centuries’, in Reinink, Wessel and Stumpel, Jeroen (eds), Memory and Oblivion (Proceedings of the XXIXth International Congress of the History of Art, 7 September 1996), Dordrech:, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999, pp. 625-635.

J. Phillips, [with B.T. Żurawski] ‘The Southern Dongola Reach survey. Results of the first (1998) season,’ Nyame Akuma 51 (June 1999) 55-65.

J. Phillips, [with D.W. Phillipson] ‘Excavations at Aksum, 1993-96: A Preliminary Report,’ Journal of Ethiopian Studies 31.2 (1998) 1-128.

J. Phillips, ‘Nowe wykopaliska w starożytnym Aksum,’ Archeologia Żywa 1/6 (Spring 1998) 26-30.

Tania Tribe, ‘The Word in the Desert: The Wall-Paintings of Debra Maryam Korkor (Ger'alta, Tigray)’, in Fukui, K., Kurimoto, E. and Shigeta, M. (eds), Ethiopia in Broader Perspective: Papers of the 13th International Conference of Ethiopian Studies, Kyoto: Shokado, 1997, vol. III, pp. 35-61.

J. Phillips, ‘Punt and Aksum: Egypt and the Horn of Africa,’ Journal of African History 38 (1997) 423-457. Online:

J. Phillips, ‘Seeking Bruce’s Cippus,’ KMT 7.3 (Fall 1996) 32-36.

J. Phillips, ‘Pottery and other finds from the Domestic Area, 1995,’ in D.W. Phillipson, A.J. Reynolds et al., ‘B.I.E.A. Excavations at Aksum, Ethiopia, 1995,’ Azania 31 (1996) 129-141.

J. Phillips, ‘Egyptian and Nubian material from Ethiopia and Eritrea,’ Sudan Archaeological Research Society Newsletter 9 (November 1995) 2-10.

Tania Tribe, Catalogue entries (Ethiopian crosses and manuscript painting; Falasha head; Kongo crucifix) in Phillips, Tom (ed.), Africa: the Art of a Continent, published for the Royal Academy of Arts, London, by Prestel, München and New York, 1995, pp. 124-126 and 240-241.

J. Phillips, ‘Some Non-Egyptian Obelisks,’ in Journal of the Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities 24 (1994) 103-115.

J. Phillips, ‘A Ceramologist at Hambukol, Sudan,’ CMI Bulletin X/2 (April 1990) 7-9.

J. Phillips, ‘Ancient Imports: Genuine and Otherwise,’ CMI Bulletin IX/4 (October 1989) 10-11.

J. Phillips, ‘Test Excavations at El Ghaddar,’ in K.A. Grzymski et al., Archaeological Reconnaissance in Upper Nubia (Mississauga: Benben, 1987) 35-41.


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